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"Treatment should not be more painful than the illness" - Alvin Tirstein

Since 2006, the year we established, we are aiming to bring together the best products and technical support with patients.

• Blood Banking

- Donor Apheresis
- Blood Bags
- Automated Centrifuge Separator
- Sterile Tubing Welder

Therapeutic Apheresis
Hyperthremic Chemotherapy
Hyperthremic Intra-Vezikal Chemotherapy
Cell Expansion
Pathogen Reduction Technology System

Aşağı Eğlence Mah. Küçükbahçe Sok. 14/1 Etlik - Ankara / Turkey
+ 90 (312) 419 21 36
+ 90 (312) 419 22 36 (Fax)